
"Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path"

Psalm 119:105

Discover how you can join others at Harvest to learn God's Word through our weekly and periodic classes.

Design for Discipleship Class

Sundays October 27 - November 24, 2024
8:30 - 9:45am
Room 201

Jesus commands all believers to be disciples who make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20) These studies will help as you work to be a faithful follower of Jesus, or help you find Scripture to explain to someone else what that’s all about – and the next one is particularly apt.
The Design for Discipleship series explores the foundations of discipleship and is great for everyone from the newest believer to the spiritual parent. The series includes seven workbooks, most having five chapters for study and discussion. We start our journey through he sixth book, Growing in Discipleship soon, investigating what it means to be a disciple, our responsibility to spread the gospel, and to support and serve the local church and beyond. You will find copies of the book at the Harvest Book Table, and we urge you to join us; discussion really is key to understanding and you’re welcome even if you haven’t been part of the class before. Those currently taking part in the discussion are at various levels of spiritual growth – you’ll fit right in!

Fall 2024 Classes & Studies

Women's Bible Studies

More than Conquerors - a study of Romans 8
When we face the struggles that exist both in the world and in ourselves, we can find ourselves feeling defeated and hopeless. Paul's words in Romans chapter eight are a deeply moving anthem of encouragement to all those who are weary and stressed.
Join us for a close look at the hope we can trust when we find and follow Jesus.
Mondays at 10am - 12pm beginning September 9th,  Library
Becoming a Woman of Grace - a 12 week study
"Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. "
We invite you to join us on a transforming journey to the boundless reaches of God's grace. In this study, we will explore the many ways God's grace has already enriched your life and how you can know His grace more fully and then extend it to others.
Wednesday evenings at  6:30pm beginning September 11th, Room 202

The Word of God in Psalm 119
Psalms 119 reminds us that God's very character is reflected through His Word, He is Righteous, He is Faithful, He is Unchanging, He is True. The opening 2 verses remind us, that we are "blessed" as we walk in His Truth, and seek him with our whole heart.
Thursday mornings  at  10am beginning September 12th,  Room 116 (Conference Room)

Grace Extended Ministries Study
Please consider joining this Grace Extended Ministries study that focuses on developing a deeper relationship with Christ and encourages us to share what we're learning with others. We will continue with the next lesson: "Jesus, Full of the Holy Spirit." Newcomers are welcome! Sorry but childcare is not provided.
Tuesdays at  9:00am beginning October 8th, Room 202

Sunday Bible Class:  Prison Epistles

Every Sunday before Services
8:30 am in Room 202

Toward the end of his ministry, Paul was under house arrest in Rome for two years. What did he do for two years?  For one thing, he wrote letters to churches he couldn't visit. We have four of those letters in the New Testament: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon.  For another, Paul had the freedom to preach in Rome, though he was hand-cuffed to a Roman guard. One of his converts was a guy named Onesimus, a run-away slave that had belonged to a fellow believer, Philemon in Colossae. So Paul wrote a public letter to the Colossian church, and a very private letter to Philemon. One purpose was to get Onesimus back to Philemon without getting him executed, the common penalty for a run-away slave.  We'll look at those letters and their all-too human background in more detail in the class.

Church Matters Class

Sundays, January 26, 2025 through February 16, 2025
8:30 - 9:30am in Room113/114
Join us as we look at God's heart for church membership in the Bible, and talk about how we work that out practically here at Harvest. We'd love to help you become part of our family.

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